Registration on SGP Systems server

The SGP server is an international server supporting the SGP customers. A registration on this server is usefull is for users, schools, teachers and students which use the SGP products. You can register as a User (U), a SGP School Coordinator (SC), a Teacher (T) or Student (S).

SGP User - create a home user SGP Account:

SGP School - register new school and designate/change a School Coordinator (SC):

SC is a person, who coordinates the SGP activity on his/her school. A person who registers a new school on SGP server become it's SC  automatically. Only one SC in the school is allowed. SC role can be turned over to another teacher at any time.

SGP Teacher:

SGP Student:

Your privacy
The company SGP Systems grants you, that any personal information which you release for SGP Systems while registration process or whenever later including your e-mail address will be only use for communication between you and SGP Systems and they will not share with third person. You can change or delete your personal date whenever you want (in yor SGP Account) or you can ask SGP Systems to delete your SGP Account at any time.

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